Friday, 6 May 2016
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Evaluation Question 7
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Here i am going to compare both products from my preliminary task to my final magazine now.
When comparing both pieces of work i have completed it is obvious that a lot has improves, this is because as time went on i became comfortable using PhotoShop and was able to experiment with a lot of new things.
The front covers have changed a lot, there is now much more detail on my music magazine, this is because i learnt from style models, in order to attract your target audience you have to make it into something they would want to buy.
The contents pages are very different because now it is full of the right information, it has a lot of colour and is no space left.
Even though my preliminary task did not include a double page spread, my 'JUICY!' double page spread fits into my pop magazine.
Although one is a magazine advertising a school, and the other is a music magazine, they both need to have the same conventions, just like any other magazine.
Things like the size of writing and text has also changed in my newest product, this is because i came to understand that it needed to be clear in order for my audience to understand.
Here i am going to compare both products from my preliminary task to my final magazine now.
Preliminary task:
The front covers have changed a lot, there is now much more detail on my music magazine, this is because i learnt from style models, in order to attract your target audience you have to make it into something they would want to buy.
The contents pages are very different because now it is full of the right information, it has a lot of colour and is no space left.
Even though my preliminary task did not include a double page spread, my 'JUICY!' double page spread fits into my pop magazine.
Although one is a magazine advertising a school, and the other is a music magazine, they both need to have the same conventions, just like any other magazine.
Things like the size of writing and text has also changed in my newest product, this is because i came to understand that it needed to be clear in order for my audience to understand.
Final piece:
Evaluation Question 6
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
When making my magazine, i learnt how to use new technologies in the process.
When taking my pictures for my front cover, contents page and double page spread i had to make myself familiar with the Canon camera i used in order to get the right quality pictures. I had to learn new techniques such as the rule of thirds, also before taking my pictures, it was important to take practice shots, this helped me get the right angle i needed and also the right lighting.
When making and putting together my magazine, i used an apple mac, i had to learn how to use things such as Photoshop and InDesign. In order to put my product together, i had to become familiar with the tools i was going to need to learn. One important reason it was important to create my magazine on this computer is because Photoshop was installed, which had the right tools i would need.
Photoshop is what i used the most, i had to experiment with the tools on this, this is what i created my full magazine on, i done this because it gives it a professional finishing look that i needed. Before i used this my knowledge wasn't great, i spent time getting use to photoshop and the different ways to use it. Before creating my media product, i had not used Photoshop before, but i quickly started to understand.
When making my magazine, i learnt how to use new technologies in the process.
When taking my pictures for my front cover, contents page and double page spread i had to make myself familiar with the Canon camera i used in order to get the right quality pictures. I had to learn new techniques such as the rule of thirds, also before taking my pictures, it was important to take practice shots, this helped me get the right angle i needed and also the right lighting.
When making and putting together my magazine, i used an apple mac, i had to learn how to use things such as Photoshop and InDesign. In order to put my product together, i had to become familiar with the tools i was going to need to learn. One important reason it was important to create my magazine on this computer is because Photoshop was installed, which had the right tools i would need.

Monday, 2 May 2016
Evaluation Question 5
5.How did you attract/address your audience?
How i attracted my audience on my front cover:
The colours used will generally attract my target audience. The bring colours will catch a lot of peoples attention.
Sweet promise is the main writing because it is the main story, this will get my audiences attention, also the buzz word "exclusive" draws attention because now, when a person read it, they know that the information inside can not be found anywhere else.
Using bigger writing to advertise free give aways inside the magazine, or giving people a chance to win free stuff will make my audience want to buy the magazine, even a lot of people who are fans of the big superstars, will purchase the magazine just for the free posters of there idols.
Another way i attracted my audience was using all three females for the pictures, even though it could still attract males there is more of a chance females will be interested in buying it.
My contents page colours have been kept the same, this is so there is a theme through out. I made the layout clear to read even though it contains a lot of information.
I used justin bieber in this because i know it will get a lot of attention, also a different genre will be drawn in because there is a new CD advertised which isn't just pop music.
Facebook and twitter have been introduced to the audience through my contents page because i think social media plays a big part in getting word out. I made this stand out by making it a large box with a black background, so that it is one of the main parts a person would look at first.
Also by showing i have featured 10 different pages, it will cover a lot of peoples interests, it is more likely they will want to read and buy the magazine if they see something they are intrigued by.
The quote i used,'we made our dream a reality', makes others want to read this to see if the 'band' has any advice for the aspiring teenagers, the writing i included is kept simple to read and the questions will interest the teenage audience i am aiming my magazine too.
The 6 images i included of the girls show different sides to them, that 'fans' want to get to know, it shows they can be serious or can have fun.
I used justin bieber in this because i know it will get a lot of attention, also a different genre will be drawn in because there is a new CD advertised which isn't just pop music.
Facebook and twitter have been introduced to the audience through my contents page because i think social media plays a big part in getting word out. I made this stand out by making it a large box with a black background, so that it is one of the main parts a person would look at first.
Also by showing i have featured 10 different pages, it will cover a lot of peoples interests, it is more likely they will want to read and buy the magazine if they see something they are intrigued by.
The quote i used,'we made our dream a reality', makes others want to read this to see if the 'band' has any advice for the aspiring teenagers, the writing i included is kept simple to read and the questions will interest the teenage audience i am aiming my magazine too.
The 6 images i included of the girls show different sides to them, that 'fans' want to get to know, it shows they can be serious or can have fun.
Evaluation Question 4
4.Who would be the audience for your media product?
The colours play a massive part in identifying the audience, the colours pink and purple are bright and stand for, happiness, fun and joy. Even though they are mainly colours that would stand out to girls, boys could also be attracted to this type of pop magazine.
When i was thinking about the audience for my magazine, i done some research on some similar magazines, which helped my understand what my final aim would be.
i found that doing this gave me an idea on my audience for my magazine, these two magazines are aimed at people the same ages as mine, it also gave me ideas on the layout and colours i needed to attract the people i wanted too. Most of the people who purchase these two pop magazines are female, just like what i was aiming for.
My target audience would be teenage girls, who have an interest in pop music. This is one of the reasons i chose girly colours through out my magazine, another thing is that teenage girls are pictured on every page i have done which will help to draw in the teenage audience i am trying too. On my front cover, world famous stars are advertised, they are again both female, making it seem appealing to girls who listen to their music, also a way of attracting the attention of the people who are fans because i am advertising free things inside.
The colours play a massive part in identifying the audience, the colours pink and purple are bright and stand for, happiness, fun and joy. Even though they are mainly colours that would stand out to girls, boys could also be attracted to this type of pop magazine.
Sunday, 1 May 2016
Evaluation Question 3
3.What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Immediate Music distributes top of the pops, this magazine includes fashion, pop music and posters. I chose this company because it already advertises a magazine that is very similar to mine, but it may not be the best for this company because having two magazines similar to each other could start to effect sales of 'top of the pops'. Even though Immediate music would be a good to distribute my media product, it may not be a good idea for them to do so.
The genre of my magazine is pop, i chose this because bright eye catching girly colours will be used, my target audience is 13 to 18 year olds. Another reason i decided to make my magazine pop is because a lot of artists are pop artists, these will make my magazine popular because a lot of people are fans of the stars shown inside or on the cover of my magazine, JUICY!
When researching, i found that many other similar magazines have the same price range, or the same conventions.

Immediate Music distributes top of the pops, this magazine includes fashion, pop music and posters. I chose this company because it already advertises a magazine that is very similar to mine, but it may not be the best for this company because having two magazines similar to each other could start to effect sales of 'top of the pops'. Even though Immediate music would be a good to distribute my media product, it may not be a good idea for them to do so.
The genre of my magazine is pop, i chose this because bright eye catching girly colours will be used, my target audience is 13 to 18 year olds. Another reason i decided to make my magazine pop is because a lot of artists are pop artists, these will make my magazine popular because a lot of people are fans of the stars shown inside or on the cover of my magazine, JUICY!
When researching, i found that many other similar magazines have the same price range, or the same conventions.
Thursday, 28 April 2016
Evaluation Question 2
2.How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My media product is aimed more at women than it is at men, this is because all three of the actors used throughout my magazine are female, even though males are wanted to buy this magazine.
My magazine will be aimed at people the ages of 13-18, the actors i used are all between these ages and will draw in my target audience, also the 'Band' and questions they answered, are suitable for this age range.
I also think the pictures used in my media product show females to be strong, fun people, like shown in the following pictures:
My media product is aimed more at women than it is at men, this is because all three of the actors used throughout my magazine are female, even though males are wanted to buy this magazine.
My magazine will be aimed at people the ages of 13-18, the actors i used are all between these ages and will draw in my target audience, also the 'Band' and questions they answered, are suitable for this age range.
I also think the pictures used in my media product show females to be strong, fun people, like shown in the following pictures:
Also, because of the target audience i am trying to appeal too, my price £2.50 is suitable because it is affordable for people at school or college.
Saturday, 23 April 2016
Friday, 22 April 2016
research for Evaluation Question 1
- In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Mast Head
This is my Mast Head, it is the name of my magazine. It covers the top of my front cover, like most mast heads, i used the colour pink because it is one of my main colour schemes, also the colour is not dull and will be eye-catching. I choose this name for my magazine because it tells the audience that inside the magazine is gossip, it intrigues people in.
Using a barcode on the front cover is a convention of real media.
Sub headline
A sub headline is another convention of a real media product, here i made sure the audience would know what it inside the magazine as the main article, still sticking to my colour scheme.
Buzz word
The word exclusive tells the audience that this will be the only magazine featuring what is advertised.
On my front cover, contents page and also double page spread, i have kept my fonts either the same or similar all the way through, i decided to do this because it is easy to read for the ages i am aiming for, even the little details like the date and issue number is kept simple. Even though my mast head and main headline is larger than the rest of the writing, the font it still kept simple and bold.
Contents page
For my contents page, real media conventions was important, i had to balance the information about whats in the magazine to advertising what else the audience could win or free gifts inside i got this idea from another popular pop magazine, i then compared it again to what i wanted, this is what i found;

Double page spread
When i was making my double page spread, i looked at the conventions of other pop magazines, this gave me an idea on the layout i was going to aim for, this is the example i looked at compared to my own double page spread;
I tried to keep some conventions the same, using the space provided in the right way and getting in the information i needed, also the pictures i have decided to use portray happiness and fun.
Sunday, 3 April 2016
This is a level 2 piece of work, i have chosen this because it has a similar layout to my front cover.
To improve this i could make my writing smaller and add more detail, this could get me to a level 3.
contents page:
This is the style model that i have chosen to compare to my contents page, it has a similar layout to my contents page.
Double page spread:
This double page spread is similar to mine because there is more than one image and a large piece of writing.
Thursday, 28 January 2016
Sunday, 24 January 2016
Snow white- That having men in your life won't lead to happiness until the man and woman are married, before this, the movie snow white shows snow white being a shy woman with something significant missing in her life, we later find out that this was a man.
Cinderella- This film shows that women are shy characters and who dream about love and need a man to rescue them.
James bond- This film gives people the idea that all British people are posh.
Cinderella- This film shows that women are shy characters and who dream about love and need a man to rescue them.
James bond- This film gives people the idea that all British people are posh.
Friday, 22 January 2016
double page spread
i want my double page spread to be an action shot, these are the best ones;
final pick-
This is the best picture because it is fun and the most clear image for this, even though you can not clearly see two of my actors faces, it will fit in with my double page spread because it is fun and still different from my front cover. I think it shows a variety of attitudes and also shows personality through a shot.
contents page
These are the best three for my contents page;
final pick-
Even though i have one final choice, a contents page should have a variation of pictures, so when making my magazine i may add a variation, this picture is the most clear and makes it look fun as they are laughing and also the body language of my actors makes the picture look more relaxed, it shows that there is a different side to this 'girl band', in comparison to the front cover. The props in this are a speaker, which keeps on the topic of music, while looking natural. This shot also has a plain, simple background so that the attention is not taken away from my three actors.
front cover
These are the three best picture for my front cover;
final pick-
i have chosen this picture for my front cover because it matches the attitude i am trying to portray to the audience. i think my target audience will be drawn to this because many pop music magazines show people who they aspire to be, using this picture, my target audience of teen girls, they will familiarise with the clothing that is also worn. The angle for this shoot is very straight on using the tripod, this is also the only picture they all actors are looking at the camera, and portrays the attitude i was trying to get across. My target audience is teenage girls, but i think some of the older audience may be attracted to my magazine if this was the front cover. The reason i didn't use props for any of my shoots is so that the attention is on the actors.
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