- In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Mast Head
This is my Mast Head, it is the name of my magazine. It covers the top of my front cover, like most mast heads, i used the colour pink because it is one of my main colour schemes, also the colour is not dull and will be eye-catching. I choose this name for my magazine because it tells the audience that inside the magazine is gossip, it intrigues people in.
Using a barcode on the front cover is a convention of real media.
Sub headline
A sub headline is another convention of a real media product, here i made sure the audience would know what it inside the magazine as the main article, still sticking to my colour scheme.
Buzz word
The word exclusive tells the audience that this will be the only magazine featuring what is advertised.
On my front cover, contents page and also double page spread, i have kept my fonts either the same or similar all the way through, i decided to do this because it is easy to read for the ages i am aiming for, even the little details like the date and issue number is kept simple. Even though my mast head and main headline is larger than the rest of the writing, the font it still kept simple and bold.
Contents page
For my contents page, real media conventions was important, i had to balance the information about whats in the magazine to advertising what else the audience could win or free gifts inside i got this idea from another popular pop magazine, i then compared it again to what i wanted, this is what i found;

Double page spread
When i was making my double page spread, i looked at the conventions of other pop magazines, this gave me an idea on the layout i was going to aim for, this is the example i looked at compared to my own double page spread;
I tried to keep some conventions the same, using the space provided in the right way and getting in the information i needed, also the pictures i have decided to use portray happiness and fun.
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