Thursday 24 September 2015




Wednesday 23 September 2015

Mise en scene.

Location- I have chosen to take my shot in one of the science labs because they have good equipment and also looks presentable.

Actors- The actors I have chosen for my shot are Abbi Harper and a science teacher once I have their permission. They will be wearing smart clothes.

Camera shot- I will be taking a mcu of the actors and applying rule of thirds to my shot, making sure there is room at the side of my image that will be available for text to fit in to.

Costumes- the clothes my actors will be wearing will be smart clothing as this will make them look respectful.

Props- in my shot I will be using a Bunsen burner and also goggles.

Narrative- I am trying to tell the audience that teachers respect and get along well with sixth formers. I will get this across by the actors smiling whilst working, so it shows they are having a nice time while at the academy.