Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 

When making my magazine, i learnt how to use new technologies in the process.

When taking my pictures for my front cover, contents page and double page spread i had to make myself familiar with the Canon camera i used in order to get the right quality pictures. I had to learn new techniques such as the rule of thirds, also before taking my pictures, it was important to take practice shots, this helped me get the right angle i needed and also the right lighting.

When making and putting together my magazine, i used an apple mac, i had to learn how to use things such as Photoshop and InDesign. In order to put my product together, i had to become familiar with the tools i was going to need to learn. One important reason it was important to create my magazine on this computer is because Photoshop was installed, which had the right tools i would need.

Photoshop is what i used the most, i had to experiment with the tools on this, this is what i created my full magazine on, i done this because it gives it a professional finishing look that i needed. Before i used this my knowledge wasn't great, i spent time getting use to photoshop and the different ways to use it. Before creating my media product, i had not used Photoshop before, but i quickly started to understand.

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